Github Student Developer Pack


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What is it?

Github student developer packs are an awesome resource for any student. This is not limited to only software developers or IT students. Any student who wants to take the next step in learning is encouraged to take it. You get free access to a lot of resources for a given period.

The developer pack is available for students and teachers. Github also offers a campus program with lots of benefits.

Benefits for Students

Benefits that will help you learn using real-world development tools;

  1. Access to Github pro while one is still a student.
  2. Valuable GitHub Student Developer Pack partner offers
  3. GitHub Campus Expert training for qualified applicants

Qualifications to get the student benefits

  • Be enrolled in a degree- or diploma-granting program at a high school, secondary school, college, university, homeschool, or other similar educational institution.
  • Have a school-issued email address or upload documentation proving your current status as a student.
  • One must have a GitHub account.
  • One must be at least 13 years old to participate.

To get the Student pack apply here

Benefits for Teachers

To help teach students with industry-standard tools;

  1. FREE GitHub Teacher Toolbox with offers from partners & friends
  2. FREE GitHub Team for courses, coding clubs, and nonprofit research
  3. GitHub Classroom for managing assignments
  4. GitHub Campus Advisor training to master Git and GitHub

Qualifications for one to get the Teacher Benefits

  • You must be a teacher, professor, or researcher.
  • Have a genuine school-issued email address or upload proof of school affiliation documentation.
  • You must have a GitHub account.

To get the teacher benefits apply here